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The Sword of Lumina: Mira's View



Galena, a decedent of the great elf king Lamiria, is just like every other elf that has been enslaved by the powerful Rau. Once a beautiful and powerful race, the elves has been reduced to slave labor in the mines of Rau. Galena has grown up hearing the stories of old about a sword, when wielded by the right elf, bringing down the tyranny that for centuries has ruled them. Unsure if she actually believes these stories, she finds herself plunged into a world with which she is unfamiliar as she is chased by Rau for her unnatural ability to use her magic despite the precautions he has put into place. Will she find the illusive sword promised to her people by the goddess Mira? Or will she fall prey to the idea of a sword that doesn’t exist?

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